Super Duper Faith

Hi Friends in Christ .Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus .

Writing these blogs have helped my spiritual life a lot. In fact whatever I write has been encouraging to me personally. I thank the Lord for helping me grow everyday. Glory be to God .He has been my rescue every time my boat was swaying in the hardest winds of trials and temptations .Jesus has always been there for me . Day by day I see an increase in faith when I read the Holy Bible .

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God -Romans 10:17 

How relevant and true is the word of God ! Amen to His word.

I want to write about the faith of the Canaanite women in Mathew chapter 15 . We have all heard of the incident and know it by heart . This lady she came from the nearby cities of Tyre and Sidon to Jesus. She cried for God's mercy .

22 A woman from Canaan lived near Tyre and Sidon. She came to him and cried out, "Lord! Son of David! Have mercy on me! A demon controls my daughter. She is suffering terribly."

She didn't just say in a normal tone . She was in fact wailing out loudly to the Lord . Its surprising to me now .
What did Jesus do ? He just kept quiet. Wow. He didn't say a word and this woman kept on disturbing the religious atmosphere. Look at the disciples. They were terribly disturbed by this woman. The disciples of the Lord were actually begging Jesus to send her away . 

Jesus begins to try her out by saying certain things that would cause the woman to worry or doubt in the middle of her requirement. 

24 Jesus answered, "I was sent only to the people of Israel. They are like lost sheep." 
25 Then the woman fell to her knees in front of him. "Lord! Help me!" she said. 
26 He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to their dogs." 
27 "Yes, Lord," she said. "But even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their owners' table." 

What a conversation of persistence ! Jesus keeps throwing those words of controversies but still this lady refused to give in .Sometimes we need to to be persistent enough to keep on praying and never letting go. Frustration and worldly confusions often cause us to lose focus on what our prayer request is sometimes . This lady is a perfect epitome of persistent faith .

28 Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! You will be given what you are asking for." And her daughter was healed at that very moment.

The woman is a achiever  and  an over comer as she has finally succeeded in making Jesus say the word of healing and assurance . Her daughter was healed at that very moment. She received faith appreciation from Jesus himself . What a blessing . I want to have that steadfast, stubborn faith.

 If the Canaanite woman expected the reward at the beginning, she should have not continued anymore.So greater rewards are always at the end of the journey and not the beginning. So never lose hope upon something you are praying for today . 
One of the reasons people feel frustrated and worn out is that they can’t handle the trials and difficulties associated with treading the path to victory.However, this must not be the case for us. We must keep moving on holding on to His promises.Never try to figure out the process of your miracle .Have child like faith . Hold on to Jesus like Jacob and never let him go until he blesses your life . I pray that your faith will increase every day .Keep reading the word of God on a daily basis in that way God will work in your life to help your faith grow and multiply everyday.

Whatever you are praying for these days ,I want to reassure you that Jesus has already heard your prayer need. He wants to know how badly you need . He sees your heart . Don't worry your reward is awaiting your inheritance . His perfect will will be done in your life regarding your needs. He loves you my dear friend. Your prayers and tears are going to be wiped away soon .

Shalom Blessings . 

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