The Rose Bush

I have a special interest in gardening. Although I am not that very dynamic about gardening, I do love the colors these flowers bring about in people's yards during each seasons .To be more precise ,I have this penchant to admire roses .
Who would not love a sweet smelling satiny appealing captivating roses?

I could add more attributes to this particular flower. Roses are so special and alluring and that is why I wanted to have my own rose bush in my front yard .I thought planting a rose bush would amplify the look of the house.So I got these bare root rose bushes from the store and planted them.Every day I would wake up in the morning and rush outside to see if there was some growth . I kept watering the plant and waiting upon it for days and weeks.The first plant seemed to have some life in it but eventually it started drying out and finally was out of life. I so much wanted a rose bloomed yard that I planted another one again next year . My efforts were futile . I serial killed three roses in a year .
I came to a conclusion that my yard wasn't the right fit for these beauties.I almost gave up on them.
This year ,I had these strong urge in myself to buy those roses again  and I ended up giving in and buying a rose bush again.
Sounds kind of crazy huh.. Yes I did buy those roses again.

To change things a bit , I researched and found out what roses like and what kind of soil should I use and all that. I planted the rose but with huge prayers. 
"Lord , I pray that this rose plant will bloom well and fill up my yard with colors. I believe you are going to protect it and sustain it in my yard.In Jesus name, Amen." 
After planting it I kept checking on it for weeks and months .It appeared as though I would lose this one too. I was very positive and trusted God that he is still doing something in the background and He was . Little leaves buds popped up and now we have a beautiful rose bud ready to blossom into a radiant sheen rose flower. 

You might be wondering why I am talking about each detail behind a simple incident. There is a message behind this rose bush which the Lord taught me this afternoon.

We humans have this notion that we are know it all and do it all super beings . We try to handle everything ourselves .We reason out on issues . We think logically and scientifically to bring out answers to our various questions .We think this problem is not big enough for God to handle it .I thought my yard wasn't  good enough for my yard but God proved me wrong.This rose was the right fit for my yard. Our identity and worth doesn't come from our deeds but our true colors are from Jesus.He overturns our present situations to create great moments of heavenly bliss.

"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
 Jeremiah 32:27

God taught me not to lose my sleep  and panic about little troubles . He is all capable and ready to come in to our rescue any time we call Him in our need . Only thing is that we don't really let Him take full control. Even if we let Jesus behind the wheel we try to give directions instead of sitting in the back seat and enjoying the ride.
Let us not fret over our struggles , health issues , situations etc but give it all to Jesus. Cast all our cares on Him for He cares for us. He is our peace .He is our healer .He is the author and finisher of our faith.The God who Raised the dead, Parted the Red sea, Walked on water is alive even today . Trust Him .He is our hope for tomorrow. Be amazed on how God will lead you when you hand over your everything into His hands. 

The Lord will fight for you ,You need only to be still "
Exodus 14:14

1 comment:

  1. Varna JeevagarajanJune 13, 2018 at 7:49 AM

    Indeed, Gardens teach us many little life lessons! Loved the way you have penned down your thoughts!
