Let me brief the story a little bit.
The disciples were sent away in a boat in the sea of Galilee. Jesus went to the mountain to pray in solitude after feeding the multitude. By the fourth watch at night (2 am to 4 am) Jesus comes walking to the boat on the waters.
The disciples are terrified thinking that its a ghost. Jesus pacifies them saying that its him. Peter asks Jesus to command him to walk on waters if he is really Jesus.
Look at him, he knows he is Jesus ,still tests him...
Jesus said" COME"
Peter walked on the waters of the sea. When the wind was boisterous ,our Peter lost faith and looked at the waves and cried to Jesus to save him.Jesus lent his hand and pulled him and said "Oh you of little faith. Why did you doubt??"
Pretty long narration uh..
Here comes the core thought behind all this story telling
The winds were really strong and the boat was sinking. I would say Peter wasn't dumb to ask the Lord to command him to walk on waters. This man was strategic. While the other fellow mates were fearful of sinking, our Peter wanted to step out of the boat to be saved.He did not want to sink with the ship.
1.Stop sinking in the present situation and step out in faith
The disciples were afraid that it was a ghost when they saw Jesus as it was believed in those days that fisher men fished at night . say from 2am to 5am. The fish usually come to the surface only at night. The fishermen believed that at night dead spirits of other Fishermen appeared to them to say that they will also be dead soon.
It was a bad omen.The disciples being fishermen by major it I believed in these things.
Jesus was thought to be a ghost
Peter got only the word "come" from Jesus. Nothing else.
2. God has given his word for you already .
You have a word in your heart. Hold on to it. Keep progressing .
You might have got many promises in your spirit from God long ago. This is a reminder to let u know that you still have the word. God is not a man to lie.The word is alive in you.
3. Never look at the circumstances and situations
The waves above the water made Peter to doubt on the word. Keep walking on the waters to what God has called you to be .You may fall but you will never fail.You may sink,but you are not sunk
4.Even if you fall, God has his arm reaching to you
Jesus stood above the waters to save Peter sinking in the waves.
Remember your lifeguard stands on the water.
Your current situations may be a sick,your job may suck, your finances may be empty, you life may not be smooth.
Remember and hold on to the promises that God gave you long back .
You still have the word.
You are not forgotten
Remain Blessed Folks
Remain Blessed Folks